
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

how to import your friends` emails from facebook google plus and other chatting sites


Hi my friends!!!
Today i`m going to tell you how to import your all facebok , google plus, …..friends` email address to your address book.Some time we can`t get our friends` email address  from these chatting site.If our facebook or google plus account will disable we will loss our friends.But if we can get their email address we can chat with them forever.
There are few ways to import your email address (your friends`) from facebook,google plus,yahoo,live messenger , hot mail ,AOL,Comcast , Earhlink , , Lapaste , Verizon,…..
Best way to import your email address from yahoo.
First Step  :
If you have yahoo email address go to If you haven`t a yahoo mail go to and sing up for new account.then you can see following steps

now you can select "import your contacts from other accounts to yahoo"
then you can see following page .click to import over 100000 emaill address

  • dressNow you can select what you want to import sites.You can select facebook ,google plus and widowa live directly.If you want import other sites you can select "other".